Jumat, 03 Juni 2016

Spesies Burung Cendrawasih

Burung Cendrawasih adalah burung asal Papua. Burung cenderawasih, terutama yang jantan, memiliki bulu-bulu indah layaknya bidadari turun dari surga. Oleh karena itulah burung cenderawasih disebut sebagai burung surga atau bird of paradise.
Selain dapat ditemui di Papua, burung cenderawasih juga dapat ditemui di negara tetangga kita yaitu Papua Nugini dan Australia. Berikut ini adalah beberapa spesies burung cenderawasih yang terkenal karena kecantikanny.

1. Burung Cendrawasih Kuning Kecil (Lesser bird of paradise)
Burung cendrawasih jenis ini merupakan burung serukuran sedang dengan panjang sekitar 32 cm. Bulu-bulunya berwarna kombinasi merah-cokelat dengan mahkota berwarna kuning dan punggung atas berwarna kuning kecokelatan.
Burung jannya memiliki tenggorokan berwarna hijau tua, dan sepasang ekor panjang yang dihiasi bulu-bulu tebal berwarna kuning dan putih. Sedangkan burung betina memiliki ukuran tubuh yang lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan burung jantan, kepalanya berwarna cokelat tua, badannya berwarna putih dan tidak memiliki bulu-bulu hias.
Daerah penyebaran burung cenderawasih jenis ini adalah meliputi seluruh hutan di bagian utara Papua Nugini dan pulau-pulau disekitarnya seperti Pulau Misool dan Yapen.

cenderawasih-kuning.-Bird of Paradise is a bird from Papua. Birds of paradise, especially the males, have beautiful feathers like an angel come down from heaven. Hence birds of paradise known as bird of paradise or bird of paradise.  It can be found in Papua, birds of paradise can also be found in our neighboring countries, namely Papua New Guinea and Australia. Well, here are a few species of birds of paradise famous for her beauty:   1. Small Yellow Bird of Paradise (Lesser bird of paradise)  This is a type of bird of paradise birds serukuran being with a length of about 32 cm. Plumage color combination of red-brown with a yellow crown and upper back brownish yellow.  Jannya birds have dark green throat, and a pair of long tail feathers adorned thick yellow and white. While the female birds have a smaller body size than males, dark brown head, white body and has no ornamental feathers.  Regional spread of this type of bird of paradise is covering the whole forest in the northern part of Papua New Guinea and nearby islands such as Misool Island and Yapen.   2. Astrapia Ribbon Tailed   Bird of Paradise species has a very long tail feathers that exceeds the length of the body. Even the long tail can be up to 3 times the length of its body. The length of around 32 cm in males, with white ribbon-shaped tail length up to 1 m. As for females, has a rather short tail with a brown color. Birds of paradise this type can be found in the tropical rain forest in the central part of the island of Papua.  3. Blue Bird of Paradise (Blue Bird of Paradise)  This bird has a length of about 30 cm, black-bodied, dark brown eyes and gray legs. Male birds wing feathers decorated predominantly purple-blue color. This bird is a typical bird of Papua New Guinea. Endemic area is in the forests of Papua New Guinea and South-East section. Generally they live at altitude 1400 - 1800 m above sea level.  Blue-paradise has a unique dance ritual during the breeding season. To attract the birds the male partner will be dancing memamerkan beautiful feathers while noises resembling singing.   4. Paradise Riflebird   The distinctive feature of this bird is a male bird has black feathers with blue-green crown, black legs, brown eyes, and a yellow beak. Birds of paradise this type can be found in the forests of New South Wales and Queendslans in Australia.  The beauty of this bird seen when male birds spread their wings and move kekana resembles a fan and left like a dance to attract the female.   5. Red Bird of Paradise (Red Bird of Paradise)   The length of the bird is about 33 cm. This bird has yellow fur and brown and has a yellow beak. Adult male birds have red feathers with the tip of white blood. At the tail there are two circular pieces of black feathers. Meanwhile, the female bird smaller than the male, and does not have feathers decoration.  Red birds of paradise can only be found in the lowland forests on the island of Waigeo and Batanta, Raja Ampat, Papua.   6. Flag of Paradise (King Saxony bird of paradise)   This bird is a small bird chirping with a length of about 22 cm. Adult males have black fur and amber, in the head there are two strands of wire scaly feathers light blue glossy with long-reach 40 cm. Long hair can stand upright when looking at the female bird. While the female birds have a smaller body size and does not have an antenna.  Regional spread of bird of paradise banner include forests in the mountains of Papua.

2. Astrapia Ribbon Tailed
Burung Cendrawasih jenis ini memiliki bulu ekor yang sangat panjang yang melebihi panjang tubuhnya. Bahkan panjang ekornya bisa sampai 3 kali panjang tubuhnya. Panjang burung jantan sekitar 32 cm, dengan ekor berbentuk pita warna putih yang panjangnya mencapai 1 m. Sedangkan betinanya, memiliki ekor yang agak pendek dengan warna cokelat. Burung cenderawasih jenis ini dapat ditemui di hutan hujan tropis di bagian tengah Pulau Papua.
Astrapia Ribbon Tailed.-Bird of Paradise is a bird from Papua. Birds of paradise, especially the males, have beautiful feathers like an angel come down from heaven. Hence birds of paradise known as bird of paradise or bird of paradise.  It can be found in Papua, birds of paradise can also be found in our neighboring countries, namely Papua New Guinea and Australia. Well, here are a few species of birds of paradise famous for her beauty:   1. Small Yellow Bird of Paradise (Lesser bird of paradise)  This is a type of bird of paradise birds serukuran being with a length of about 32 cm. Plumage color combination of red-brown with a yellow crown and upper back brownish yellow.  Jannya birds have dark green throat, and a pair of long tail feathers adorned thick yellow and white. While the female birds have a smaller body size than males, dark brown head, white body and has no ornamental feathers.  Regional spread of this type of bird of paradise is covering the whole forest in the northern part of Papua New Guinea and nearby islands such as Misool Island and Yapen.   2. Astrapia Ribbon Tailed   Bird of Paradise species has a very long tail feathers that exceeds the length of the body. Even the long tail can be up to 3 times the length of its body. The length of around 32 cm in males, with white ribbon-shaped tail length up to 1 m. As for females, has a rather short tail with a brown color. Birds of paradise this type can be found in the tropical rain forest in the central part of the island of Papua.  3. Blue Bird of Paradise (Blue Bird of Paradise)  This bird has a length of about 30 cm, black-bodied, dark brown eyes and gray legs. Male birds wing feathers decorated predominantly purple-blue color. This bird is a typical bird of Papua New Guinea. Endemic area is in the forests of Papua New Guinea and South-East section. Generally they live at altitude 1400 - 1800 m above sea level.  Blue-paradise has a unique dance ritual during the breeding season. To attract the birds the male partner will be dancing memamerkan beautiful feathers while noises resembling singing.   4. Paradise Riflebird   The distinctive feature of this bird is a male bird has black feathers with blue-green crown, black legs, brown eyes, and a yellow beak. Birds of paradise this type can be found in the forests of New South Wales and Queendslans in Australia.  The beauty of this bird seen when male birds spread their wings and move kekana resembles a fan and left like a dance to attract the female.   5. Red Bird of Paradise (Red Bird of Paradise)   The length of the bird is about 33 cm. This bird has yellow fur and brown and has a yellow beak. Adult male birds have red feathers with the tip of white blood. At the tail there are two circular pieces of black feathers. Meanwhile, the female bird smaller than the male, and does not have feathers decoration.  Red birds of paradise can only be found in the lowland forests on the island of Waigeo and Batanta, Raja Ampat, Papua.   6. Flag of Paradise (King Saxony bird of paradise)   This bird is a small bird chirping with a length of about 22 cm. Adult males have black fur and amber, in the head there are two strands of wire scaly feathers light blue glossy with long-reach 40 cm. Long hair can stand upright when looking at the female bird. While the female birds have a smaller body size and does not have an antenna.  Regional spread of bird of paradise banner include forests in the mountains of Papua.

3. Cendrawasih Biru (Blue Bird of Paradise)
Burung ini memiliki panjang sekitar 30 cm, berbadan hitam, mata cokelat gelap dan kaki berwarna abu-abu. Burung jantan dihiasi bulu-bulu sayap yang didominasi warna ungu-biru. Burung ini merupakan burung khas Papua Nugini. Daerah penyebarannya adalah di Hutan-hutan di Papua Nugini bagian Timur dan Tenggara. Umumnya mereka tinggal di ketinggian 1400- 1800 m di atas permukaan laut.
Cenderawasih biru memiliki ritual tarian unik saat musim kawin. Untuk menarik pasangannya burung-burung jantan akan menari memaerkan bulu-bulunya yang indah sambil mengeluarkan suara-suara yang menyerupai nyanyian.

4. Paradise Riffle bird
Ciri khas burung ini adalah, burung jantannya memiliki bulu berwarna hitam dengan mahkota berwarna biru kehijauan, kaki hitam, mata cokelat, dan paruh berwarna kuning. Burung cenderawasih jenis ini dapat ditemukan di hutan New South Wales dan Queendslans di Australia.
Keindahan burung ini terlihat pada saat burung jantan mengembangkan sayapnya menyerupai kipas dan bergerak kekana dan kekiri seperti menari untuk menarik si betina.

cenderawasih-biru.-Bird of Paradise is a bird from Papua. Birds of paradise, especially the males, have beautiful feathers like an angel come down from heaven. Hence birds of paradise known as bird of paradise or bird of paradise.  It can be found in Papua, birds of paradise can also be found in our neighboring countries, namely Papua New Guinea and Australia. Well, here are a few species of birds of paradise famous for her beauty:   1. Small Yellow Bird of Paradise (Lesser bird of paradise)  This is a type of bird of paradise birds serukuran being with a length of about 32 cm. Plumage color combination of red-brown with a yellow crown and upper back brownish yellow.  Jannya birds have dark green throat, and a pair of long tail feathers adorned thick yellow and white. While the female birds have a smaller body size than males, dark brown head, white body and has no ornamental feathers.  Regional spread of this type of bird of paradise is covering the whole forest in the northern part of Papua New Guinea and nearby islands such as Misool Island and Yapen.   2. Astrapia Ribbon Tailed   Bird of Paradise species has a very long tail feathers that exceeds the length of the body. Even the long tail can be up to 3 times the length of its body. The length of around 32 cm in males, with white ribbon-shaped tail length up to 1 m. As for females, has a rather short tail with a brown color. Birds of paradise this type can be found in the tropical rain forest in the central part of the island of Papua.  3. Blue Bird of Paradise (Blue Bird of Paradise)  This bird has a length of about 30 cm, black-bodied, dark brown eyes and gray legs. Male birds wing feathers decorated predominantly purple-blue color. This bird is a typical bird of Papua New Guinea. Endemic area is in the forests of Papua New Guinea and South-East section. Generally they live at altitude 1400 - 1800 m above sea level.  Blue-paradise has a unique dance ritual during the breeding season. To attract the birds the male partner will be dancing memamerkan beautiful feathers while noises resembling singing.   4. Paradise Riflebird   The distinctive feature of this bird is a male bird has black feathers with blue-green crown, black legs, brown eyes, and a yellow beak. Birds of paradise this type can be found in the forests of New South Wales and Queendslans in Australia.  The beauty of this bird seen when male birds spread their wings and move kekana resembles a fan and left like a dance to attract the female.   5. Red Bird of Paradise (Red Bird of Paradise)   The length of the bird is about 33 cm. This bird has yellow fur and brown and has a yellow beak. Adult male birds have red feathers with the tip of white blood. At the tail there are two circular pieces of black feathers. Meanwhile, the female bird smaller than the male, and does not have feathers decoration.  Red birds of paradise can only be found in the lowland forests on the island of Waigeo and Batanta, Raja Ampat, Papua.   6. Flag of Paradise (King Saxony bird of paradise)   This bird is a small bird chirping with a length of about 22 cm. Adult males have black fur and amber, in the head there are two strands of wire scaly feathers light blue glossy with long-reach 40 cm. Long hair can stand upright when looking at the female bird. While the female birds have a smaller body size and does not have an antenna.  Regional spread of bird of paradise banner include forests in the mountains of Papua.

5. Cendrawasih Merah (Red Bird of Paradise)
Panjang burung ini sekitar 33 cm. Burung ini memiliki bulu berwarna kuning dan cokelat serta memiliki paruh berwarna kuning. Burung jantan dewasa memiliki bulu-bulu berwarna merah darah dengan ujung berwarna putih. Di bagian ekornya terdapat dua buah bulu melingkar berwarna hitam. Sedangkan burung betinanya berukuran lebih kecil dari si jantan, serta tidak memiliki bulu-bulu hiasan.
Burung cenderawasih merah hanya dapat ditemukan di hutan-hutan dataran rendah di Pulau Waigeo dan Batanta, kabupaten Raja Ampat, Papua.


6. Cenderawasih Panji (King Saxony bird of paradise)
Burung ini merupakan jenis burung kicau berukuran kecil dengan panjang sekitar 22 cm. Burung jantan dewasa memiliki bulu hitam dan kuning tua, di kepalanya terdapat dua helai bulu kawat bersisik berwarna biru-muda mengkilat dengan panjang mencapai 40 cm. Bulu panjang ini dapat berdiri tegak ketika melihat burung betina. Sedangkan burung betinanya memiliki ukuran tubuh yang lebih kecil serta tidak memiliki antena.

Paradise Rifflebird.-Bird of Paradise is a bird from Papua. Birds of paradise, especially the males, have beautiful feathers like an angel come down from heaven. Hence birds of paradise known as bird of paradise or bird of paradise.  It can be found in Papua, birds of paradise can also be found in our neighboring countries, namely Papua New Guinea and Australia. Well, here are a few species of birds of paradise famous for her beauty:   1. Small Yellow Bird of Paradise (Lesser bird of paradise)  This is a type of bird of paradise birds serukuran being with a length of about 32 cm. Plumage color combination of red-brown with a yellow crown and upper back brownish yellow.  Jannya birds have dark green throat, and a pair of long tail feathers adorned thick yellow and white. While the female birds have a smaller body size than males, dark brown head, white body and has no ornamental feathers.  Regional spread of this type of bird of paradise is covering the whole forest in the northern part of Papua New Guinea and nearby islands such as Misool Island and Yapen.   2. Astrapia Ribbon Tailed   Bird of Paradise species has a very long tail feathers that exceeds the length of the body. Even the long tail can be up to 3 times the length of its body. The length of around 32 cm in males, with white ribbon-shaped tail length up to 1 m. As for females, has a rather short tail with a brown color. Birds of paradise this type can be found in the tropical rain forest in the central part of the island of Papua.  3. Blue Bird of Paradise (Blue Bird of Paradise)  This bird has a length of about 30 cm, black-bodied, dark brown eyes and gray legs. Male birds wing feathers decorated predominantly purple-blue color. This bird is a typical bird of Papua New Guinea. Endemic area is in the forests of Papua New Guinea and South-East section. Generally they live at altitude 1400 - 1800 m above sea level.  Blue-paradise has a unique dance ritual during the breeding season. To attract the birds the male partner will be dancing memamerkan beautiful feathers while noises resembling singing.   4. Paradise Riflebird   The distinctive feature of this bird is a male bird has black feathers with blue-green crown, black legs, brown eyes, and a yellow beak. Birds of paradise this type can be found in the forests of New South Wales and Queendslans in Australia.  The beauty of this bird seen when male birds spread their wings and move kekana resembles a fan and left like a dance to attract the female.   5. Red Bird of Paradise (Red Bird of Paradise)   The length of the bird is about 33 cm. This bird has yellow fur and brown and has a yellow beak. Adult male birds have red feathers with the tip of white blood. At the tail there are two circular pieces of black feathers. Meanwhile, the female bird smaller than the male, and does not have feathers decoration.  Red birds of paradise can only be found in the lowland forests on the island of Waigeo and Batanta, Raja Ampat, Papua.   6. Flag of Paradise (King Saxony bird of paradise)   This bird is a small bird chirping with a length of about 22 cm. Adult males have black fur and amber, in the head there are two strands of wire scaly feathers light blue glossy with long-reach 40 cm. Long hair can stand upright when looking at the female bird. While the female birds have a smaller body size and does not have an antenna.  Regional spread of bird of paradise banner include forests in the mountains of Papua.
 Nah, itulah macam-macam spesies burung cendrawasih yang ada di Papua

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